President shall be the general manager of the corporation and shall supervise, direct and control the corporation’s activities, affairs, and officers.
Vice President
In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President. The Vice President shall have the responsibility for the annual BAMM Conference.
The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes of all meetings, proceedings, and actions of the Board, and of members’ meetings, share minutes with the BAMM Board and save the minutes to a designated, secure server.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain, adequate and correct books and accounts of the corporation’s transactions. The Treasurer shall send to the Board such financial statements and reports as are required by law, by these Bylaws, or by the Board.
Membership Chairperson
Recruit new members, observe trends, and assist in planning and implementing events, including registering members on event days, or assisting members with connecting with others. Maintain membership list and support membership drives with the aim of connecting partners who are essential to our success.
Website and Communications Chairperson
The Website and Communications Director will be in charge of promoting the organization and BAMM image and provide crucial oversight of all communication to members. This position will partner closely with the Membership, Meeting, Education and Sponsorship Chairs to promote a consistent BAMM brand through all communication vehicles, including, but not limited to the website, social media and any printed materials.
NextGen Chairperson
Plan compelling active participation events, addressing topics and trends in professional development in the Bay Area, coordinate facilities and menu items and provide descriptive communications via word and video to Website Director and Communications chair throughout the year.
Sponsorship Chairperson
Propose and deliver annual sponsorship programs that fund key events such as the annual BAMM conference, networking events, “lunch and learns”, quarterly meetings, happy hours and more.
Corporate Advisors (2 positions)
Must be a qualified Corporate Member – Serve as the “voice of the corporate” Global Mobility professional in developing programs and events that meet the ongoing education and networking expectations of BAMM’s corporate members.
Philanthropy Chairperson
Champion new and exciting ways for BAMM to come together in our communities and give back to those less fortunate. Work with local organizations and charities to set up onsite “give back” days and organize donation drives at BAMM events. Recommend charities to the BAMM Board for annual commitments.
Programs & Meetings Chairpersons (2 positions)
The committee works with BAMM Board to develop, schedule and deliver programs and events that entice new members, retain existing members and meet BAMM member’s diverse needs. Volunteers bring ideas to the table, work on getting venues that are either free or low-cost, build connections with possible presenters; assist in executing the programs or events.