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BAMM is committed to giving back to our community by supporting organizations whose shared goals are to improve the lives of individuals from all walks of life.


Enterprise for Youth

Our Mission

Enterprise for Youth empowers under-resourced youth to reach their potential through transformative paid internship experiences supported by a community of employers, caring adults, and peers.

Our Vision

Enterprise for Youth envisions that all youth are prepared for their professional future and become successful members of society.

Our Story

Founded in 1969, Enterprise for Youth has served over 25,000 young people to date. Each year, 500 youth attend workshops that cover topics including interviewing skills, resume and cover letter preparation, money management training, and conflict resolution. We place youth in internships that give them the opportunity to dig deeper into career fields they’re interested in pursuing. Participants who complete our program apply and enroll at higher rates to post-secondary education. Enterprise for Youth sets young people on the right path to achieve career success.

Talent Beyond Boundaries

Our Mission

We are transforming skilled migration systems for refugees by removing barriers, creating new opportunities, and rewriting the story of displacement.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where displaced people can safely migrate for work, using their skills to rebuild their lives with dignity and purpose.

Our Story

In 2014, US attorneys Mary Louise Cohen and Bruce Cohen began exploring labour mobility for refugees as Fellows with the Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative. They refined their ideas through consultation with refugees, advocacy organisations, and UN agencies in Beirut.

Around the same time, Australian tech entrepreneur John Cameron created a proposal for an international 'refugee jobs marketplace' which Amnesty International presented to the Australian government of the time. His inspiration was a meeting at an Amnesty event with a Kurdish refugee working for them on the Turkish Syrian border. Following a positive reaction to his proposal he organised a taskforce of experts to explore and promote the idea.

When they learned about each other, Mary Louise, Bruce, and John joined forces and the global nonprofit Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB) was born in 2016. 

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